This image is of a Serenity Prayer bracelet given to me by my very best friend of 40 years. She gave it to me almost 2 years ago when my dad was diagnosed with advanced stage of metastatic cancer and only had about 5 days until he passed. Her instructions to me were that when I was feeling hopeless, scared and lost to look at that bracelet, feel it on my arm and know that God would help me and my family through this every step of the way.
We passed that bracelet back and forth to each other countless times. Whomever was struggling at the moment would put the bracelet on until the moment passed and we felt a little strength come back. We passed that bracelet back and forth for several months even after my dad passed away.
I am ready to pass this bracelet on to a friend who is struggling with worry and an uncertain future. I hope that this very simple gift will give her as much comfort and peace as it gave me.